venerdì 8 aprile 2011


La nostra associazione "informagiovani palazzolo acreide" - circolo giosef, realizzerà uno scambio giovanile bilaterale, finanziato dal programma europeo youth in action, con un partner greco a palazzolo acreide (SR) dal 23 al 31 maggio sulla tematica del teatro come mezzo di incontro e di partecipazione.  cerchiamo partecipanti dai 18 ai 30 anni per completare il gruppo italiano.  naturalmente il vitto e l'alloggio sono a carico del progetto ma non potranno essere rimborsate le eventuali spese di viaggio per ragiungere palazzolo, nel caso di non residenti qui.  Alloggio in struttura attrezzata dei servizi basilari, vitto presso ristorante.

saremmo felici di trovare partecipanti coinvolti nella nostra rete o anche alla prima esperienza che abbiano la voglia di vivere un'esperienze di scambio e di educazione non formale.
requisiti: età dai 18 ai 30 anni, motivazione, voglia di mettersi in gioco, capacità basilare di comunicare in inglese, voglia di divertirsi.
di seguito trovate il sommario del progetto.

“Theatre connecting people””
23th May – 31 May 2011


“Theatre connecting People” is an exchange of yougsters aged between 18 and 30 years old coming from Italy and Greece  which will take place in Palazzolo Acreide, located in Sicily, Italy, for 7 days in May 2011. The project is organised by Association “Informagiovani Palazzolo Acreide” in partnership with European Village of Athens.
The main goal of this exchange is sharing intercultural experiences which promote mutual understanding through the theatre. Particularly we aim to discover and to reflect  the role of drama in non formal education and to explore drama as a tool of youth meeting, involving, and partecipation.
The main theme of the project is enjoy theatre’s experience as an opportunity to knowing and meeting.  The theatre, in fact, can be a valuable tool for knowledge of themselves and others, but also an alternative way to resolve conflicts, or to communicate, to express and develop their creativity, to partecipate in public life and even to meet different socio cultural realities.  The  young partecipants will live toghether for a week during which they can share experiences and traditions.
We will organize theatral workshop, games, group dynamics, reflections, simulation games, street action, and several outdoor activities in the ancient greek theatre like actions and performance. We will made a short video camera and mobile-phones on activities. Local youth community will also be involved.  An added value of this project will be the opportunity for participants to attend the International Festival of Classical Theatre of Youth in Palazzolo Acreide (, during which they can interact with young actors from all over Italy and other European countries. Thousands of young people that, every year, meet togheter on the same stage.

gli interessati possono contattarci a  oppure telefonando al numero 0931/472221

informagiovani palazzolo acreide

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